After placing, reactivate to view the video feed. Look at a trap and press “use” to detonate it, or hold “activate” to detonate all. Reactivate to create a cage that slows enemies who pass through it. Cyber Cage – Toss out a remote activation trap.If the trap isn’t destroyed, it activates to daze the trapped victim. Triggering enemies are restrained and revealed for a short time. Trapwire – Place a stealthed tripwire between two walls.Killing an enemy creates a lingering field that slows players caught inside of it. Ultimate – Tour de Force – Activate to summon a powerful, custom sniper rifle that will kill an enemy with any direct hit.Anchors can be picked up to be redeployed. While on the ground and in range of an anchor, reactivate to quickly teleport to the other anchor. Rendezvous – Place two teleport anchors.Alt fire with the pistol equipped to aim down sights. Headhunter – Activate to equip a heavy pistol.When a visible enemy comes in range, the trap counts down and then destabilizes the terrain around them, creating a lingering field that slows players caught inside of it. Trademark – Place a trap that scans for enemies.Ultimate: Orbital Strike – Use your map to target a location, launching a devastating orbital strike that pulses for high damage over several seconds.Click to set the locations, and confirm to launch.

An infinite Cosmic Divide connects the two points you select. When Cosmic Divide is charged, use secondary fire in Astral Form to begin aiming it, then primary fire to select two locations. Stars can be reactivated later, transforming them into a Nova Pulse, Nebula, or Gravity Well. Ultimate: Astral Form / Cosmic Divide – Activate to enter Astral Form where you can place Stars with primary fire.Dissipate briefly forms a fake Nebula at the Star’s location before returning. Dissipate – Use (F) on a Star to Dissipate it, returning the star to be placed in a new location after a delay.Nebula – Activate a Star to transform it into a Nebula (smoke).The Nova Pulse charges briefly then strikes, concussing all players in its area. Nova Pulse – Activate a Star to detonate a Nova Pulse.Players in the area are pulled toward the center before it explodes, making all players still trapped inside fragile. Gravity Well – Activate a Star to form a Gravity Well.Here are all 20 playable agents in VALORANT. Each agent has a special set of abilities that can be used to create advantages in tactical situations. There are multiple characters available to play in the game, from an aging American war veteran to an ominous hooded wraith. VALORANT has a wide selection of characters to choose from, each with a unique set of abilities.